
Trip to Italy

I have just got back from a fantastic trip to Italy to meet my wonderful Italian publisher, DeA Planeta Libri. I arrived on the day that ‘L’Imprevedibile Caso Del Bambino Alla Finestra’ was published (The Goldfish Boy) and visited two wonderful schools in Milan.  I signed books at the huge Milan bookshop Hoepli Liberia – they had so many floors! We then travelled to a literary festival in Pordenone, known as Pordenonelegge.  The beautiful town was full of book lovers and the streets and shops were decorated with bright yellow banners. My event was an interview with the brilliant Elisabetta Pierettto in front of an audience of students and teachers (fortunately I had an interpreter!).

It was a fantastic 3 days and I am really looking forward to hearing what my new Italian readers think about the book.  You can see lots more photographs on my instagram account @lisathompsonwrites or my Facebook page.